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Ramadan comes at a different time every year because it is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, a date-keeping system based on lunar cycles, unlike the Theres No Soul In These Coochie Pictures Shirt (the one used by most of the world, including the U.S.), which is based on the solar year. A new month begins with the appearance of the new moon, or the crescent moon, and ends with the next appearance of a new moon. The month of Ramadan thus moves backwards about 10 days every year relative to the Gregorian calendar. But even within Islam there is debate over when precisely Ramadan begins, since, according to the faith-community website Pathos, different communities follow different protocol for determining when a new month begins. Some communities follow a set lunar calendar, others use scientific observations to make an official decree about the arrival of a new moon, and still others mark a new month only after the actual sighting of the crescent moon in their community. Though the exact dates of Ramadan are never uniform around the world, they come pretty close.

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But wait a Official Hug Your Bros A Special Message From Your Friends At Almost Friday Shirt . Mars long time ago had the same conditions as earth(flowing water etc) but why did it become like this? All the atmosphere might have washed away by the solar wind . Even now due to solar wind 100grams(not sure of the number) of atmosphere of mars is washed away per year. So even if we now emit green house gases there they are going to be washed away and become useless. But its not happening to earth, because the solar wind cannot reach till the atmosphere , our magnetic feild stops it (yes we first need to pray for that magnetic feild looking at a compass needle). Mars has no magnetic feild (it has local magnetic feilds due to some astroids with metals collided with planet but doesnt work for our purpose). Since there is no magnetic feild all the plan is waste of time. 🙁 . But wait for earth magnetic feild always changes with time. So may be the same for mars. Wait for some years (not few) and then mars may develop magnetic feild. One more interesting thing mars doesnt have its own magnetic feild but sun has magnetic feild.

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Jiang Zemin acolyte and Official I Proudly Support LGBT Liberty Guns Beer Tits Shirt former Politburo member Zhou Yongkang looks like he’s gonna serve some hard time, and he was the Attorney General plus Head of the Chinese FBI (kind of, please excuse the analogy), while also have ties to the heavily polluting China Petroleum. Long story short, if Xi Jinping pisses off too many of the wrong people, in the wrong way, he might find himself on the wrong end of a “corruption” charge. To move the focus from a political, sort of “palace” POV to the streets, Hebei has millions, perhaps 10’s of millions of steelworkers. The province surrounds Beijing. A common misapprehension of the Tiananmen 89 incident, is that the protests were led by students, and that mostly students died. This is false. The other protestors, who didn’t have any signs in English and thus were missed by the TV cameras, where industrial workers who were pissed about the “breaking of the iron rice bowl,” or the neo liberalization of the Chinese economy. The students, for the most part, meekly dispersed when told too. The workers went at the APCs with iron bars and Molotov cocktails. The 清华 and 北大(Tsinghua and Peking University) students have actually done very well in the post 89 environment (assuming they didn’t get shot or arrested at the time, ringleaders excluded). The workers have not.

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