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Do it because it sucks putting up Christmas decorations. It sucks putting up the tree, untangling all the lights, getting all that crap out of Master Baiter Hooked Since Day One Shirt storage and tossing around with meaningless baubles like each placement is life-or-death perfectionist fun. And we want to get the most out of that effort. Depending on how many “helpers” I have, it can take one to four hours just putting up the tree. (It’s frealistic, over two metres tall, and has individual coded branches.) The more helpers, the longer it takes. And it’s hot where we live. By the end I’m peed off, drenched, covered in sweat, and I haven’t even done the lights yet. Which are tangled to f*&#. Then the kids pull out all the decorations and place them random patchy over the lower sections of the tree, despite encouragement to maybe spread them around (and make it look goodish). So I wait for them to go to school the next day and redo all the decorations. It’s basically a couple days work for all the Chrissy dex.



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For SpaceX, what is happening with Starship is not new. Two decades ago the company had a lot of Official Meemaw I’d Like To Fuck New shirt with its first rocket, the Falcon 1, and some years later, they were landing rockets on a ship hundreds of kilometers offshore. The same success will eventually occur with Starship, even if there are a few ‘booms’ and mishaps along the way. In fact, the team at SpaceX needs those accidents, to learn faster how to improve its next inventions so that the same problem does not happen again. The core principle of the company is “build, fail, learn, iterate,” a very different path from those of other traditional aerospace companies who plan their rockets for 10 or 15 years and do not assume risks. Besides, the cost and effort to build a Starship prototype is getting increasingly lower with time, in such a way that the team at Boca Chica is learning to produce Starships like hot bread. SN10 is already on the launch stand waiting for its turn to fly, and more prototypes are in construction right now. So SpaceX can afford to lose a few rockets from time to time without risking the continuity of the program.



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Lucky and intellectual Jupiter will move into dreamy Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, and then return to the Official shut The F Up About Chicago Tortillas shirt sign Aquarius until December 28th (when it re-enters Pisces). When Jupiter is in Aquarius, we’ll want to connect with others through humanitarian endeavors. Jupiter’s movement into Pisces, meanwhile, will expand our hearts and dreams. Venus Retrograde starts at the end of 2021 on December 19th in Capricorn, and lasts until January 29, 2022; it will move back into Sagittarius during the planetary moonwalk. During this retrograde, we will question whether or not we are valued by others, or if a seemingly lucrative financial opportunity is worth the investment. The main focus will be learning how to assert our needs and making sure we aren’t being taken for granted by others. By the end of the transit, our confidence will skyrocket from knowing and understanding our awesomeness.



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